Thanks to dreams you make plans, and thanks to plans you take steps.

For Greenhouse Horticulture Netherlands, the energy transition means that we must have implemented 35% energy savings in cultivation before 2030.

Ambitious. But certainly not unthinkable.

In order to continue to guarantee continuity to our customers, we believe it is extremely important to go along with this development, and to anticipate in taking the next steps. The ultimate goal is to produce climate-neutral. The first steps towards a sustainable and economical Maarel Orchids are being taken!

Achieving goals through investment

We will already realize the first energy goals before 2026! We are very proud of that. This year we are investing in dimmable LED lighting. With this we create the right amount of light to allow our phalaenopsis to grow properly in a much more energy-efficient way. In addition to the advantage that it really blocks all light and therefore has no light emission, the Obscura screen cloth has the advantage that we can control the climate in the greenhouse even better and keep heat inside.

And then the solar panels. In the spring of 2023, the first 353 solar panels will be installed on our roof. With this we generate sustainable energy ourselves and the next plans for expansion are already in the pipeline.

Our dream? Being sustainable and climate-neutral.


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