In 2030, energy consumption in horticulture must be reduced by 45% compared to 2020. This is described in the energy covenant for greenhouse horticulture. At Maarel Orchids we are going to go a step further by achieving the target of 2030 in 2026. In the coming years we want to use 10% less energy every year. This will be a challenge, but certainly not impossible!

The first steps have been taken. In January, we installed two different dimmable LED installations. A Full LED and a Hybrid System. A total of 750 lamps!

Because these lamps are also dimmable, we can save even more on electricity. Thanks to our biosensors, we have gained much more insight into the light absorption of the Phalaenopsis during cultivation. This way we can dim the lights when they don’t need it.

We generate our own electricity. Thanks to this electricity savings, we also save on gas. During a full day of lighting, we emit 4% less CO2. In this way, this transition directly contributes to a reduction of our CO2 Footprint.

Because LED lighting emits much less heat, we have to compensate for the heat loss. We are replacing one of our existing screen cloths with a screen cloth that retains heat much better. This way we can manage the climate even better. Thanks to this new screen cloth, we also sort immediately ahead of the new light emission rules that will apply from 2025.

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