Lemkes BV organized a 2-day retail trip to the UK and we were invited to come along! With a well-filled program, René, together with Lemkes and other focus growers, traveled to Southampton early on Tuesday morning.

The first day was filled by various store checks, in order to get a good picture of the current UK retail market. Tesco, Sainsbury, ASDA, Homestead and B&Q were visited. The shelves were well stocked for the English Mother’s Day on March 19. Including our own plants! Together with Lemkes we did a nice Mother’s Day promotion in Ceramics. Always nice to see how our plants end up on the shelves waiting for the consumer.

Accompanied by Tim Clapp, head of range Kingfisher and Richard Egerton, lead byer B&Q, we were welcomed at Springfield on the second day. This is a 2.5 acres test site, unique in England. Here we got an insight into the various tests they perform. They test alternative organic fertilizers and conduct various tests to gain experience with peat-free substrates. They then share the knowledge they gain with the growers who supply them with plants.

They want to anticipate the expected legislation that will restrict the use of peat. This is extremely important to B&Q because they are the largest supplier of garden soil in the UK.

Their approach is inspiring, but also reflects the enormous importance of this transition.

We can look back on two inspiring and innovative days!


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